  • 日期:112-06-14
題目1: 請問繼承登記應於被繼承人死亡後多久以內至地政事務所辦理?
After an heir passes away, how soon should the inheritance registration be done at the Land Office?題目1: 請問繼承登記應於被繼承人死亡後多久以內至地政事務所辦理?

答案1: 6個月內 Within six months 

答案1: 6個月內 Within six months

題目2: 大陸人買賣取得我國不動產,是否先報經內政部同意?
              Do people from Mainland China have to be approved by the Ministry of the Interior before acquiring real estate in Taiwan?
題目2: 大陸人買賣取得我國不動產,是否先報經內政部同意? 答案2: 正確 correct

答案2: 正確 correct

題目3: 土地位於桃園市之三七五租約終止、變更登記及租佃爭議調解申請可以跨區於桃園市任一區公所申請嗎?
Can I apply for a termination,registration change and tenancy dispute conciliation for 37.5% Arable Rent Reduction of land located in any district office in Taoyuan City?
題目3: 土地位於桃園市之三七五租約終止、變更登記及租佃爭議調解申請可以跨區於桃園市任一區公所申請嗎? 答案3: 正確 correct

答案3: 正確 correct

題目4: (1)男生、女生誰可以繼承不動產?(2)越南人可以登記取得我國土地權利?
              (1)Who can inherit real estate; men or women? (2)Does a Vietnamese person have the right to register and acquire land rights in Taiwan?
題目4: (1)男生、女生誰可以繼承不動產?(2)越南人可以登記取得我國土地權利?

答案4: (1)都可以  Both men and women can inherit real estate. ;(2)不可以 No.

答案4: (1)都可以  Both men and women can inherit real estate. ;(2)不可以 No.

題目5: 申請土地鑑界,土地所有權人需自備「制式界標」、需自行埋設並永久保存嗎? 
              Does the owner need to bury and preserve a “standard boundary marker” permanently on his (her) own when applying for boundary surveys?
題目5: 申請土地鑑界,土地所有權人需自備「制式界標」、需自行埋設並永久保存嗎?
答案5:正確 incorrect

答案5: 不正確 incorrect

題目6: 辦理不動產買賣登記須於何時申報「實價登錄」避免受罰? 
              To avoid being fined, when should the “actual price registration” be done after registering real estate?
題目6: 辦理不動產買賣登記須於何時申報「實價登錄」避免受罰?

答案6: 辦理不動產買賣登記時併同申報 It should be done during the registration of real estate.

答案6: 辦理不動產買賣登記時併同申報

題目7: 檔案應用是指民眾向各政府機關申請閱覽、抄錄或複製檔案嗎?
              Does an archive application mean the general public’s application to read, copy or reproduce archives from government facilities?
題目7: 檔案應用是指民眾向各政府機關申請閱覽、抄錄或複製檔案嗎?

答案7: 正確 correct

答案7: 正確 correct

題目8: 線上申辦的繳費方式有哪些? 
              What are the payment methods for online applications?
題目8: 線上申辦的繳費方式有哪些?

答案8: 線上繳費、臨櫃繳費、超商繳費 Online payment, paying at a bank counter, or paying at a convenience store.

答案8: 線上繳費、臨櫃繳費、超商繳費.

題目9: 謄本末尾注意事項列有「本土地有下列類別之參考資訊」字樣時,可向服務人員申請何種服務?
              If the end of the transcription says “the following information regarding the land is for your reference”, what can I apply for?
題目9: 謄本末尾注意事項列有「本土地有下列類別之參考資訊」字樣時,可向服務人員申請何種服務?
答案9:土地參考資訊檔  Land information reference files.


題目10: 不動產登記名義人透過申辦哪種服務,將能主動通知地籍異動情形?To actively be informed of cadastral updates, what service shall be provided to the registering party of real estate?
題目10: 不動產登記名義人透過申辦哪種服務,將能主動通知地籍異動情形?

答案10: 地籍異動即時通 Cadastral Update Messaging

答案10: 地籍異動即時通